It’s on TV. It’s in the newspaper. It’s on the radio. Coronavirus. It’s a pandemic, now. The entire world is or will be affected. Where there is fear there is panic. This morning I read from God’s Word to wait. For the goodness of the Lord.
I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
Psalms 27:13-14 (NIV)
We do know that God is at work in the world. Dozens of MAST workshops are scheduled for the next several weeks. At least one MAST workshop has been affected because leaders of the event were not permitted to travel to the workshop location.
Please pray.
Pray today that Bible translation will not be hindered.
Pray that this virus will not win.
Pray that this virus will not be one of Satan’s weapons as God’s Word moves into the hardest to reach places that has so long been held by the enemy.
Pray that all who are involved in the Bible translation movement will be strong, take heart, and wait for the Lord.
Pray that we will all see the goodness of the Lord today, tomorrow, and in the coming weeks and months.
Pray for the advancement of Bible translation and the goodness of the Lord.