Hancock Journey

Wait No More

Bible Translation Waits For No One

Article found here: https://onenewsnow.com/missions/2020/09/10/wycliffe-bible-translating-not-sidetracked-by-virus-outbreak COVID-19 has disrupted a lot of things this year but the missionary task of Bible translation is not being slowed by the pandemic. "People...

Pressing Forward to Completion

Here is a report from Wycliffe Associates' CEO. 

The Missing Link

By using high-capacity, Print On Demand equipment, Bible translators can quickly print the Scriptures from a flash drive, whether a few or many books, and then distribute them. Wycliffe Associates also trains workers to operate and maintain the equipment once it’s...

Will COVID-19 Hinder Bible Translation?

It’s on TV. It’s in the newspaper. It’s on the radio. Coronavirus. It’s a pandemic, now. The entire world is or will be affected. Where there is fear there is panic. This morning I read from God’s Word to wait. For the goodness of the Lord.   I remain confident...

Sun Dedication

Wycliffe Associates will hold a dedication service for its newly published Symbolic Universal Notation (SUN) New Testament on February 20, 2020, at its worldwide headquarters in Orlando, Florida. SUN is a written, concept-based language created by Wycliffe Associates...

Printing Systems for Underground Churches

In areas where Christianity is a minority religion and Christians risk persecution, even death, Wycliffe Associates’ Print On Demand system (PODs) allows believers to print Bibles inconspicuously, thus reducing the risk of detection. “We can’t ship Bibles into many...

Persecuted Translators Continue Their Work

“Despite the persecution and risks they face, Christians are reaching out to us, asking for the tools, technology, and training they need to launch Bible translation projects,” said Bruce Smith, President and CEO of Wycliffe Associates. Bible translators meet in...

400 Language Groups Ready to Begin

“After generations of waiting, generations of hoping, and praying for a translation of the Scriptures into the language of their hearts, they’ve heard about this Bible translation opportunity,” said Bruce Smith, President and CEO of Wycliffe Associates. “They’ve...

Coming Alive

A new video from Wycliffe Associates!

Thank You!

Twelve years with WA! This is a small video thanking our prayer and financial partners through this incredible journey.  Thank you!  

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