Long shunned as “untouchables” by those around them, this South Asian language group now feel God’s love in abundance.
For generations, this particular people group of South Asia have been leather workers. This would be an acceptable trade just about anywhere else. But because their country’s culture greatly reveres cattle, they have long been considered “untouchables” by other people.
Of course, this community is not untouchable in God’s eyes, and He recently raised up a team among them to begin translating God’s Word into their language. George*, Mary*, and Pastor Aj* were grateful to receive training in the principles of MAST, the breakthrough Bible translation strategy that equips local believers to translate the Scriptures with remarkable speed and accuracy. And upon completion of the training, they diligently worked with great abandon.
In a very short time, the husband-and-wife team and the pastor translated half of the New Testament, and they continue to forge ahead in the translation of the Bible in their heart language.
Meanwhile, as a result of the translated Scriptures, Pastor Aj has planted the first church, and 700 people are now being touched by God’s Word through a series of Bible studies!
Please join us in praying for George, Mary, and Pastor Aj as they continue God’s call to translate His Word into their heat language. Thank you for supporting our translation efforts in South Asia, one of the regions where Bible translation is most needed.
*Names and photos have been changed to protect identity.